Where it all Started

Where it all Started

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Typical boy!!

Lately Carter has been into EVERYTHING!! The other day i noticed i couldnt see Carter so i called out his name and this is how it went.
Me: Carter???
Carter: Yes!
Me: Where are you?
Carter: Yes
Me: Are you hidding?
Carter: Yes
Me: Where are you?
Mean while i can here him in our bathroom. So i grab the camera.When i got in there all of our towels were out on the floor( Mind you i just washed, flodded them and put them away).
So i opened the door, Carter said BOOO! lol i couldnt get mad at him for being so cute.

Baby Shower!

A little while ago We( Pela Teresa and Myself ) gave my dear friend Jeyme her first baby shower. She is so cute and tiny. We also were able to celebrate our dear freind pela's happienss with a her cute little boy maa that came into the world that same day. Silly girl come over while she was in labor. The Pictures are on the way jeyme i promise.


Carter got a bubble maker the other day and he loves it, you will be able to tell by watching this little clip.