Where it all Started

Where it all Started

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

# 2 on the way :)

Thats right #2 is on the way i'm now 17 weeks prego and still having some morning sickness ugh!! However Glenn and I are so happy to have another one on the way. We will be finding out what the baby is at the end of the month. We are SO ExCiTed and cant wait. We will be happy with whatever it is most people think its a girl cause i've been really sick with this one. I'm due Sept 20 but I will be delivering on the 15 cause i'm having a C-setion.


Kristina said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy!! I hope you're feeling better soon. And congratulations to Glenn on the DAT score!

Sarah said...

Oh yeah!!! How exciting:) Congrats you guys!

Kim said...

Congrats Amber & Glenn!! So happy for you guys... And good luck on the apps for dental school.

nathansara said...

I am sooooo excited for you guys. Congrats!


how exciting what an adorable family you have!!congrats girl

Mariah said...

Is that the pee stick you are holding? lol This is very exciting.. but eeewww! :)